Manual of Clinical Oncology 2017

دانلود کتاب پزشکی کتاب راهنمای انکولوژی بالینی


Bartosz Chmielowski, Mary C. Territo

تعداد صفحه‌ها


نوع فایل



20 Mb

سال انتشار


89,000 تومان

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Concise, portable, and packed with essential information, Manual of Clinical Oncology is an indispensable resource for understanding basic science, clinical findings, and available technology as they relate to the diagnosis and management patients with cancer. The practical format provides high-yield content useful for participating in rounds ad making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions at the bedside. Edited by Dr. Bartosz Chmielowski and Dr. Mary Territo, both from UCLA School of Medicine, this eighth edition carries on the tradition of excellence set forth by longtime editor Dr. Dennis Casciato.

Key Features:

  • Incorporates recent major achievements in immunotherapies, biologics, and targeted therapies.
  • Features new chapters on the biology of cancer, immunotherapy, and cancer survivorship.
  • Contains numerous diagnostic and treatment algorithms, as well as content on complications, for assistance with clinical decision making.
  • Includes helpful appendices such as a glossary of cytogenetic nomenclature and combination chemotherapy regimens.

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